How many horcruxes do I have left?


Mischief and no longer a mistress
Because power comes in numbers

I am driven
I roll
With that intersectional truth

I castrate all your lords
Defile your lordesses

I float on my emotions
Tilt my head back a lil
Sun rays
Let me sink in
Take it in

Voices become winds
That no longer graze me

Love of me by me
Ancestral rituals
heal my wounds

I am your curse
The moment my lips leave your sight
Shake laugh cry
In withdrawal
You’ll only imagine
What touching me would’ve felt like


Life is a cycle o’ terrible twos
Resulting in an amazing one

  • Zaynab Bourezza was born and bred in Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal. Her work has appeared in a few publications such as Le Pied, Minorités Lisibles and three collections of short stories with the Collectif Nyx. She has a BA in screenwriting and creative writing from Université de Montréal. She’s currently making memes and consuming any form of art for “research” purposes.

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