Today I came out
Today people were mad at me because I didn’t come out to them personally
Today I bought a dress
Today I got yelled at in the men’s restroom
Today I got my hormones
Today I was called miss and then sir as soon as I opened my mouth
Today I got my operation
Today I was in a lot of pain
Today I made a friend
Today someone threatened to kill me
Today I wore heels
Today I got my heart broken
Today I performed at Gender B(l)ender
Today I was too tired to concentrate
Today I self-published a poetry anthology
Today my uncle said something shitty
Today I got a girlfriend
Today I got called a dyke
Today I accepted that I was the way I am
Today I was triggered
Today I had lots of cuddles
Today I lost a friend
Today I fell in love with my best friend
Today I cried a little too much
Today I got a hug
Today I had a bad dream
Today I didn’t kill myself
Today I wasn’t brutally murdered

I survived today
I’m sure I can survive tomorrow

  • Valerie Gingras was born on a summer day in '93 as they say in the wrong body, but later realized that it was in fact the right body somehow since it was her body. Since she came out, she started writing poetry about her struggles and the many labels she identifies with.

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