
This series contain five images, made with ballpoint gel pen on thick handmade sheets. Each piece measures 8″ x 8″. Transgender identities exist across the world in various forms. To this day, trans people face severe discrimination, stigma, inequality, and harassment. These pieces are meant to represent our shared humanity. Such representations can show that recognition and respect of our diversity is best way to create peace.

  • Shanmukha Inkas is a multidisciplinary freelance artist born and raised in Mysore, India. His artwork does not focus on one theme or one particular situation; he tries to imagine his own perspective and always attempts to experiment in art. Curious about new things his artwork invites viewers to make their own interpretations. He is the creator of several drawing series, with such names as We Are One, Sumukha, Persona, Abstract Human, We Won, Strings, Face, Flowing of Ideas, Night with Ninety. His work has been published in national and international magazines, most recently in a nonprofit quarterly. He has been nominated in an India-wide painting competition, and his work can be found in private collections in India, Qatar, the United States, Australia, UAE, and more.

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